Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Creating A Gas from a Solid

We have been learning about solids, liquids and gases in science. We have done a number of experiments. Ari brought in this experiment from home for all of us to try out. First we discussed what we thought would happen. Then  we observed as the Alka Seltzer tablet was put into water. One child noted that she was not surprised that gas bubbles were produced because it has the word "seltzer" in its name--very observant!


First we felt  and smelled the tablet. It smelled like vinegar! 
Then we dropped it into a cup with water
We are watching as the solid dissolves into the liquid creating gas bubbles. Here Shoshana, Rebecca, Leon, Or, Eliana and Mickey are watching as their solids dissolve into the water.
Naomi and David A. are amazed at how the solid is dissolving into the water.
David M.s and Maya are watching intently.
Celina and David G. are waiting for their tablet to dissolve.

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