Monday, May 19, 2014

"Planting" a Lima Bean!

We are showing our "planted" Lima beans. Morah Kathy then put all the bags on the window. We are going to see  how the lima beans will grow and follow the progress everyday.
We know that living things need air, water and light to grow. The First Grade put a Lima bean and a wet paper towel in a zip-lock bag. We are going to see what happens and if the Lima bean will grow.

Lag B'Omer Parade and Outing in the Park

Here is the first grade waiting to get our flags and go into the park.

Here we are at the beginning of our Lag B'Omer parade in the park. We held our flags high and sang songs.

Morah Chaya M. is telling the First and Second Grades a Lag B'Omer story
We are getting ready to start the sack races!
In this race, you had to balance an apple on a spoon while walking a certain distance and then give it to the next child on line

Here the boys are playing a new game in which each boy from the opposite team had to run into the middle of the court and try to snatch the water bottle and run back to their side before being tagged by a member of the opposite team.

Morah Mushky G. taught us a new game. The boys stood in a circle and had to keep the ball in motion by hitting it across the circle while trying to keep the ball rolling on the floor. It was hard!

Morah Chaya M. is teaching the girls a new game.

Snacks and water for everyone!

Edible bonfires!

In honor of Lag B'Omer the First Grade made edible bonfires. They used marshmallow fluff, red string licorice, and pretzels. We are now expert bonfire makers!