Monday, April 28, 2014


At the end of our Science unit on weather we made wind socks. We took them out one day during recess and it was very windy and we were able to see which way the wind was blowing! It was so cool!

Trip to Matzoh Factory Part 2

We are listening to the story of the plagues Hashem brought on the Egyptians and of the Jews leaving Egypt.

Here is "Moses" (our very own Moshe) leading the Children of Israel out of the land of Egypt.

Matzah Factory 1

Our trip to the Matzoh Factory right before Pesach vacation began.

Making our own Matzohs

Botanical Gardens part 2

More pictures from the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens

Looking at different trees and walking along different trails.

Trip to the Botanical Gardens

Our trip to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens

Here we are going up into a huge replica of a bird's nest.

In the bird's nest.

Reading about the Botanical Gardens

indoor recess

Indoor recess in First Grade. We learned about Pattern Blocks and how to put them together to create different patterns and pictures.

Morah Kathy taught us how to play a card game at recess that helps us learn how to count to 13 really quickly!

Budding architects!